545 research outputs found

    Liquid-gas and other unusual thermal phase transitions in some large-N magnets

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    Much insight into the low temperature properties of quantum magnets has been gained by generalizing them to symmetry groups of order N, and then studying the large N limit. In this paper we consider an unusual aspect of their finite temperature behavior--their exhibiting a phase transition between a perfectly paramagetic state and a paramagnetic state with a finite correlation length at N = \infty. We analyze this phenomenon in some detail in the large ``spin'' (classical) limit of the SU(N) ferromagnet which is also a lattice discretization of the CP^{N-1} model. We show that at N = \infty the order of the transition is governed by lattice connectivity. At finite values of N, the transition goes away in one or less dimension but survives on many lattices in two dimensions and higher, for sufficiently large N. The latter conclusion contradicts a recent conjecture of Sokal and Starinets, yet is consistent with the known finite temperature behavior of the SU(2) case. We also report closely related first order paramagnet-ferromagnet transitions at large N and shed light on a violation of Elitzur's theorem at infinite N via the large q limit of the q-state Potts model, reformulated as an Ising gauge theory.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures. Added clarifications requested by a refere

    Random walks in a random environment on a strip: a renormalization group approach

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    We present a real space renormalization group scheme for the problem of random walks in a random environment on a strip, which includes one-dimensional random walk in random environment with bounded non-nearest-neighbor jumps. We show that the model renormalizes to an effective one-dimensional random walk problem with nearest-neighbor jumps and conclude that Sinai scaling is valid in the recurrent case, while in the sub-linear transient phase, the displacement grows as a power of the time.Comment: 9 page

    Non-Coexistence of Infinite Clusters in Two-Dimensional Dependent Site Percolation

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    This paper presents three results on dependent site percolation on the square lattice. First, there exists no positively associated probability measure on {0,1}^{Z^2} with the following properties: a) a single infinite 0cluster exists almost surely, b) at most one infinite 1*cluster exists almost surely, c) some probabilities regarding 1*clusters are bounded away from zero. Second, we show that coexistence of an infinite 1*cluster and an infinite 0cluster is almost surely impossible when the underlying probability measure is ergodic with respect to translations, positively associated, and satisfies the finite energy condition. The third result analyses the typical structure of infinite clusters of both types in the absence of positive association. Namely, under a slightly sharpened finite energy condition, the existence of infinitely many disjoint infinite self-avoiding 1*paths follows from the existence of an infinite 1*cluster. The same holds with respect to 0paths and 0clusters.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Transforming fixed-length self-avoiding walks into radial SLE_8/3

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    We conjecture a relationship between the scaling limit of the fixed-length ensemble of self-avoiding walks in the upper half plane and radial SLE with kappa=8/3 in this half plane from 0 to i. The relationship is that if we take a curve from the fixed-length scaling limit of the SAW, weight it by a suitable power of the distance to the endpoint of the curve and then apply the conformal map of the half plane that takes the endpoint to i, then we get the same probability measure on curves as radial SLE. In addition to a non-rigorous derivation of this conjecture, we support it with Monte Carlo simulations of the SAW. Using the conjectured relationship between the SAW and radial SLE, our simulations give estimates for both the interior and boundary scaling exponents. The values we obtain are within a few hundredths of a percent of the conjectured values

    Anomalous diffusion in disordered multi-channel systems

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    We study diffusion of a particle in a system composed of K parallel channels, where the transition rates within the channels are quenched random variables whereas the inter-channel transition rate v is homogeneous. A variant of the strong disorder renormalization group method and Monte Carlo simulations are used. Generally, we observe anomalous diffusion, where the average distance travelled by the particle, []_{av}, has a power-law time-dependence []_{av} ~ t^{\mu_K(v)}, with a diffusion exponent 0 \le \mu_K(v) \le 1. In the presence of left-right symmetry of the distribution of random rates, the recurrent point of the multi-channel system is independent of K, and the diffusion exponent is found to increase with K and decrease with v. In the absence of this symmetry, the recurrent point may be shifted with K and the current can be reversed by varying the lane change rate v.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Alternative proof for the localization of Sinai's walk

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    We give an alternative proof of the localization of Sinai's random walk in random environment under weaker hypothesis than the ones used by Sinai. Moreover we give estimates that are stronger than the one of Sinai on the localization neighborhood and on the probability for the random walk to stay inside this neighborhood

    Conformal Invariance in Percolation, Self-Avoiding Walks and Related Problems

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    Over the years, problems like percolation and self-avoiding walks have provided important testing grounds for our understanding of the nature of the critical state. I describe some very recent ideas, as well as some older ones, which cast light both on these problems themselves and on the quantum field theories to which they correspond. These ideas come from conformal field theory, Coulomb gas mappings, and stochastic Loewner evolution.Comment: Plenary talk given at TH-2002, Paris. 21 pages, 9 figure

    Ultra-Slow Vacancy-Mediated Tracer Diffusion in Two Dimensions: The Einstein Relation Verified

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    We study the dynamics of a charged tracer particle (TP) on a two-dimensional lattice all sites of which except one (a vacancy) are filled with identical neutral, hard-core particles. The particles move randomly by exchanging their positions with the vacancy, subject to the hard-core exclusion. In case when the charged TP experiences a bias due to external electric field E{\bf E}, (which favors its jumps in the preferential direction), we determine exactly the limiting probability distribution of the TP position in terms of appropriate scaling variables and the leading large-N (nn being the discrete time) behavior of the TP mean displacement Xˉn\bar{{\bf X}}_n; the latter is shown to obey an anomalous, logarithmic law Xˉn=α0(E)ln(n)|\bar{{\bf X}}_n| = \alpha_0(|{\bf E}|) \ln(n). On comparing our results with earlier predictions by Brummelhuis and Hilhorst (J. Stat. Phys. {\bf 53}, 249 (1988)) for the TP diffusivity DnD_n in the unbiased case, we infer that the Einstein relation μn=βDn\mu_n = \beta D_n between the TP diffusivity and the mobility μn=limE0(Xˉn/En)\mu_n = \lim_{|{\bf E}| \to 0}(|\bar{{\bf X}}_n|/| {\bf E} |n) holds in the leading in nn order, despite the fact that both DnD_n and μn\mu_n are not constant but vanish as nn \to \infty. We also generalize our approach to the situation with very small but finite vacancy concentration ρ\rho, in which case we find a ballistic-type law Xˉn=πα0(E)ρn|\bar{{\bf X}}_n| = \pi \alpha_0(|{\bf E}|) \rho n. We demonstrate that here, again, both DnD_n and μn\mu_n, calculated in the linear in ρ\rho approximation, do obey the Einstein relation.Comment: 25 pages, one figure, TeX, submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    The integrated density of states of the random graph Laplacian

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    We analyse the density of states of the random graph Laplacian in the percolating regime. A symmetry argument and knowledge of the density of states in the nonpercolating regime allows us to isolate the density of states of the percolating cluster (DSPC) alone, thereby eliminating trivially localised states due to finite subgraphs. We derive a nonlinear integral equation for the integrated DSPC and solve it with a population dynamics algorithm. We discuss the possible existence of a mobility edge and give strong evidence for the existence of discrete eigenvalues in the whole range of the spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Supplementary material available at http://www.theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~aspel/data/spectrum_supplement.pd